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Jan. 1

State law requires your appraisal district to determine the market value of your home on Jan. 1.

Jan. 31

Last day to pay your property taxes without incurring financial penalties and interest charges.

Feb. 1

If you did not pay your property taxes or set up a payment plan, you are officially delinquent and owe financial penalties and interest for being late. State law mandates penalties and interest be applied.

April 15

Last day for business owners to file a rendition list of personal property (unless you applied for and received an extension to May 15 from the district’s chief appraiser).

May 15

Last day for business owners with an extension to file a rendition list of personal property.

May 15

Last day to file property tax protest or 30 days after receiving your notice of appraised value.

July 1

If you are still delinquent on your taxes, the penalty on what you owe climbs to 12% on this day. Interest continues to accrue, adding one percent for each month you are late.

July 25

Texas Appraisal District’s chief appraiser certifies the appraised values of all properties that government entities will use to set your tax rates. The resulting list is called the appraisal roll and it is provided to the elected or appointed officials of the government entity so they can set their budget and tax rates.

October 1

The property tax collection period begins for the current year. State law allows appraisal districts to begin mailing tax bills on Oct. 1. However, they must wait for all government entities to send their tax rate to our office, and the results of elections (such as a bond election) where voters may decide additional tax rates, before mailing out tax bills.

December 31:

If you need a paid property tax receipt for Internal Revenue Service income tax purposes, you must pay by the end of December.